Cultured: Living up to the Idea of Fiction


Artist Statement: As society progresses in the digital age, we have become more reliant on media and entertainment to escape the monotony of life and society. Grasping onto fictional beliefs or ideals, forcing them from the living room into the world IRL with the intention to escape our daily routines and problems. Through my own work, I demonstrate concepts that dance between both Japanese and Western mainstream entertainment in discussion with historical implications of what was then perceived as popular culture. Creating complex pieces through layering concepts and characters from past, present, Japanese, and Western Cultures with a  level of interaction between the them. Calling attention to the Human agenda of living up the idea(s) of fiction to escape the reality of everyday mundane life. 

This project explores the depths of Popular Culture across the millennia. From mainly Japanese and American entertainment layered with historical implications.

Complex pieces are created that comment on the general consumption of entertainment today. This body of work has been ongoing since 2018 to present, spanning the majority of my undergrad career.


Print Work


Sketchbook Pages